What does an Usher do?
What does an Usher do?
The USHER works in a theatre to provide customer service for audience members taking their tickets and escorting them to their seats in the theatre. USHERS are employees of the theatre. USHERS serve as welcome ambassadors and provide information about the theatre, production, and amenities of the building to patrons. They are available during the performance and intermission to assist patrons and watch for camera and cell phone use. USHERS are trained to assist the HOUSE MANAGERS in case of emergency.
Customer service | Knowledge of theatre’s procedures and seating
Volunteer-based opportunities | Interest in Theatre
How to Become an Usher
How to Become an Usher
Though many colleges and universities offer degrees and concentrations in theatre administration or business, universities do not traditionally have concentrations focused on ushering. Ushering is usually a pathway to house management. Those interested in becoming a Broadway usher may start by volunteering at a local community theatre, regional theatre, high school, or college theatre department or any nonprofit arts organization.