Teaching Artist

What Does a Teaching Artist Do?

What Does a Teaching Artist Do?

A TEACHING ARTIST is a professional artist who has a dual career in education. Utilizing their expertise in a particular field paired with educational certifications, training, and experience, a TEACHING ARTIST leads students in an instructional setting to share their skill, knowledge, and real-life practices in their field. Areas of study can include dance, music, theatre, visual arts, writing, and media.


Undergraduate/Graduate degree in the arts | Graduate degree or certification in education | Leadership positions in the field | Demonstrated professional artistic experience


Proficient in area of study | Strong leadership skills | Public speaking | Self-starter | Patience | Problem Solver | Facilitation skills | Community Engagement experience

How to Become a Teaching Artist

How to Become a Teaching Artist

Many teaching artists begin by using their talent and training as a secondary source of income. Some teaching artists have formal education training, while others have held leadership positions in their artistic careers and learned by doing. Teaching artists work in various settings outside of schools and universities, such as libraries, museums, theaters, prisons and community centers.

Union/Professional Organization Affiliations
What is a Teaching Artist

Working in Theatre: Teaching Artist