Hair & Wig Designer
What does a Hair & Wig Designer do?
What does a Hair & Wig Designer do?
The HAIR & WIG DESIGNER transforms the ACTORS into their characters through the use of hair and wigs. HAIR & WIG DESIGNERS develop the look and style for each character’s hair (including facial and body hair) that will help convey the show’s time and location, and character’s personality. For wigs, they can make them, rent, or purchase them. Their responsibilities can also overlap with those of a COSTUME DESIGNER and/or the MAKE-UP ARTIST, as HAIR & WIG DESIGNERS help create the overall aesthetic for a character.
Attention to detail | Ability to work with hair and wigs | Ability to take care and maintain wigs | Research | Resourcefulness
Classes in hair and wigs | Degree or certificate in design or fashion | Cosmetology | Hairdressing | Assisting | Having an Associate-level position | Freelance work
How to become a Hair & Wig Designer
How to become a Hair & Wig Designer
Many colleges and universities offer degrees and concentrations in design, as well as opportunities working on student-led or official school productions. Broadway hair and wig designers often start out with a strong interest and passion for hair, transitioning this interest into a career. Those just starting out may want to explore available classes, workshops, tutorials, and volunteer or assistant opportunities available in their region for training and experience.