Aerial Choreographer
What does an Aerial Choreographer do?
What does an Aerial Choreographer do?
An AERIAL CHOREOGRAPHER is in charge of creating, directing, and ensuring the safety of ACTORS who leave the ground during a performance. AERIAL CHOREOGRAPHERS work with the DIRECTOR and TECHNICAL PRODUCER of a show to choreograph any movements done in the air that is simultaneously in line with the director’s vision and technically safe and possible. They work with ACTORS on how to make the movement or dance full of intention and most efficient.
Comfort with heights and flying | Attention to detail | Knowledge of safety precautions | Directing | Choreographing | Collaboration
Aerial and Dance Training | Assisting | Experience using wires, silk ropes, gymnastics, and the rigging | Circus training
How to become an Aerial Choreographer
How to become an Aerial Choreographer
Many colleges and universities offer degrees and concentrations in dance and performance, but none offer a degree in aerial choreography. Broadway aerial choreographers typically start out with several years of acrobat, aerial, gymnastics, and dance training. From there, aerialists and dancers can assist or be mentored by a professional aerial choreographer to understand what it is to choreograph movement in the air. Those starting out may want to strengthen their skills by taking workshops, classes, or trainings in their region.
Union/Professional Organization Affiliations
- Bill Shannon’s what is what’s “Cirque: Choreography; The Aerial Atherton Twins”