Booking Agent

What does a Booking Agent do?

A BOOKING AGENT is hired by a show’s PRODUCER to book a tour of a show to play in theatres across the country. A BOOKING AGENT sells the show to multiple venues and creates a route from one venue to another. In addition, they are responsible for negotiating the financial deals and details (performance schedules, ticket scales, etc.) between the show and the presenter/venues.


Sales | Customer Service | Understanding of show trends | Ability to negotiate deals | Creative Problem Solving | Strong attention to detail | Contracts


Degree in theatre administration and/or business | Interning | Working on an associate level

How to become a Booking Agent

How to become a Booking Agent

Booking agents are connectors within the theatre industry – they work with Producers, General Managers, Tour Marketers, Presenters, and Venues. As such, there is no one way to pursue this career. Those hoping to start out should look for internships or entry-level positions in theatrical booking agencies or in a business connected to Touring Broadway.

Union/Organization Affiliation
  • N/A
American Theatre Wing’s “Getting the Show on the Road (Working In The Theatre #394)”

The Producer’s Perspective’s “Podcast Episode 23 – Steve Schnepp”