Vocal Director

What does a Vocal Director do?

What does a Vocal Director do?

A VOCAL DIRECTOR works with performers to strengthen and teach vocal techniques. The skills ACTORS learn from VOCAL DIRECTORS give them an understanding of how their voice works so they can practice and perform fully without damaging their voices.


Vocal performance | Music theory | Understanding of vocal anatomy | Ability to maintain good vocal health | Patience | Focus


Degree in vocal performance or education and music theory | Apprenticeships | Assisting

How to become a Vocal Director

How to become a Vocal Director

Similar to becoming a vocal coach, many colleges and universities offer degrees in vocal performance with concentrations or duel enrollment in education for aspiring vocal directors. It is also important for vocal directors to understand the anatomy of the throat and how voices work. Post-college, perspective vocal directors should seek out apprenticeships with vocal directors in their region.

Union/Professional Organization Affiliations
Backstage’s “How to Sing Like a Broadway Star”