Theatre Owner
What does a Theatre Owner do?
What does a Theatre Owner do?
A THEATRE OWNER operates and manages the actual theatre buildings.
Finance | Facilities and Operations | Theatre Management and Business | Real estate | Accounting | Legal Affairs
Working up in a theatre company/building/organization | Degrees in theatre business and management, law, real estate | Assisting
How to become a Theatre Owner
How to become a Theatre Owner
Those looking to become theatre owners should begin finding opportunities to get involved with a theatre organization in their region, specifically in facilities and operations and the executive office. Most theatre owners work their way up and make connections with other theatre owners and professionals in the industry.
Professional Organization Affiliation
Spotlight on Broadway’s “Spotlight on Broadway: Shubert Theatre”
Spotlight on Broadway’s “Spotlight on Broadway: Vivian Beaumont”
Spotlight on Broadway’s “Spotlight on Broadway: Samuel J. Friedman”
Spotlight on Broadway’s “Spotlight on Broadway: Gershwin Theatre”